Of mice and men . . .

As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say what they think, free to think what they will, freedom can never be lost and science can never regress.

Marcel Proust



E cosystem is all the plants, animals, and people living in an area together with their environment as a system of relationships, working to preserve its balance.

The last two decades and, especially the last two years, have been about understanding the importance of evolutionary convergences: decimation as much as innovation.

No matter what the subject was or is all about, favoring taxonomies endplays constrain, something that does not exist in any segment of life in the universe. That is, nature, man, society, the environment are all integrated in an ecosystem of interdependence.

book coverComparisons help finding different approaches to problem-solving in every area in need of optimization, which has brought us many of the benefits and demises of our continuously evolutionary journey.

Our book "Memento a point in time" reflects upon how the creation of a garden is a small perfect sample of a balanced ecosystem, in which flowers, trees, bees, insects, birds, worms, rabbits, chipmunks, people and other mammals thrive as a result of their perfect interaction. One cannot survive without the other.

Nature has its own organic approach to balance in many shapes and forms. The notion of "invasive" in relationship to nature, has been mainly caused by human development. What is called “invasive plants." is related to non-natives plants that begin to reproduce in areas they did not existed before. Although when something does not belong in one area it might be good for another one.

A variety of insects take care of others who are pests. The adorable Ladybugs play a crucial role in horticulture practice. They protect roses from the pesky ophids and other pests. Ladybugs feast on several ophids a day! One can say the ophids have some benefits. roseI used to buy Ladybugs by the bags to protect the birds from pesticides.

There are plenty of predator animals eliminating others who cause dangerous impact to men and the environment. All are necessary in understanding how evolutionary convergences work as a “cleanse” or decimation and for evolutionary innovations.

Snakes make up a significant proportion of the middle-order predators keeping our natural ecosystems working just like the rest of nature. Snakes act as pest control especially with the rodent population such as mice, rats, and other small mammals that can destroy crops or damage personal property. They are opportunistic hunters munching on any prey that comes around, even other snakes.

Cobras are larger snakes and are found mostly throughout Africa, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. The king cobras are the longest of all venomous snakes in the world and can reach 18 feet long. They will eat a rattlesnake without being affected by their poison. Smaller snakes eat harmful bugs and insects.They slither through the wilderness silently, mostly at dusk or dawn. They also are source of food for other larger predators such as hawks, owls, herons, and carnivorous mammals such as bobcats.

Carl Sagan (9/11/1934-20/12/1996)

American astronomer, exobiologist and writer who popularizing astronomy and science was an adviser to Nasa for the Mariner, Voyager, and Viking unmanned space missions said: "A central lesson of science is that to understand complex issues (or even simple ones), we must try to free our minds of dogma and to guarantee the freedom to publish, to contradict, and to experiment. Arguments from authority are unacceptable."

snake eating rat
States Deadlier Animals

The 5 deadliest states in the USA.

Mother Jones

TEXAS Texas, the second largest State in the USA is the most dangerous of all 50 states, thanks to the rattlesnakes (and cowboys?), especially the Western Diamondback.
FLORIDA Home to the Everglades, one of the most famous national parks in the world which has become home to a feral orphanage of exotic pets as the African rock and Burmese pythons. And, the well-known 75-toothed bone-breaking bites alligators, who with an ever increasing (over a million population) and the human interfering with nature habitat, has become a major threat. It will mostly continue to rise in the future, affecting the Southeastern part of the USA.
ARIZONA With its desert climate has an abundance of venomous creatures. However, the most dangerous to humans is the Black Widow spider, who has the reputation of eating the male after mating . . . Certainly, an exception in nature!
ALASKA As the largest state in the US with a land area over twice the size of Texas, Alaska has more than three million lakes, is he perfect habitat for an animal that by tradition, takes first place as most feared—the bear and also the moose.
CALIFORNIA Once used to roaming almost the whole of the United States, today the mountain lions, these remarkably adaptable cats are still found across most of California. Also known as cougar, panther, or puma, these large solitary predators still have the biggest range of any large terrestrial mammal in the western hemisphere.

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