Meet Ms Spring



celebration of friendship

CHILLA!! You look more beautiful than a field of hay! More glorious than a planet filled with carrots!!

couple rabbits

welcoming friends . . .

call phone conversation duck-rabits

my friends, let's all celebrate!

dinning room


preaching versus practicing
love versus hate
inclusion versus exclusions

easter party

Talking about food . . .

Food is basic to our lives: it affects trade and has been historically entangled with issues like slavery and industrialization. It affects not only consumer habits but patterns of emigration, urbanization, including the creation of new technologies.

Food has also been associated with the patriarchal oppression of women and the domination of nations. Therefore, from its basic nutritional value to its aphrodisiac powers to its ability to visually stimulate the desire to mate, food can impact also our love lives.

Book to consider reading:Voski Avakian, Arlene, and Haber Barbara, editors. From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2005.

read more . . .

However . . .

Mother Nature has provided a wealth of natural resources to keep us healthy in mind and body. Food is a natural tool that can be used to enhance or debilitate specific areas of the body or specific ways we might like to see it work on certain occasions. Yes, food is that powerful! It affects not only our hormones and moods but even makes the body taste and smell better.

With this in mind, you should stock your fridge and cupboards with an arsenal of gastronomic weapons! You can use the same discernment to your grocery list that you bring to shopping for stilettos (if you are a woman . . . ) or digital gadgets.


If you think about who is coming to dinner (and possibly staying for breakfast), you’ll realize your shopping list can some serious consideration!

Check our book "love & hormones a path to love"

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chocolate and the threat to the lives of your BFF

cat dog

Chocolate can kill your most beloved friends