The creative spirit behind LaBelleLoshe is painting using a variety of metaphoric brushes: digital, ideas, different textures of fabrics, papers, beads, a camera, food, gardening. Nothing matches inside my space, although everything belongs together. I use the pages of the website as empty canvases to be splashed with colors and, a variety of subjects that move me at any point in time: etymology, social- political issues, acronyms, basic human needs.
Humor and satire are genetic, woven throughout the various articles, stimulated by the world I wake up every morning, without losing sight of dichotomies and paradoxes.
I believe animals are more human than not. Few are regular “polemicists” and have their own page on the site. I 'm vocally passionate about abuse.
MUSE Piet Mondrian’s abstractions, colors and, Pierre Bonnard palette of colors.
I hope you'll enjoy exploring, whether perusing our magazine: THE WORLD THROUGH MY WINDOWS, or, you might be interested to check both our books: LOVE & HORMONES introducing the humorous series THE WORLD OF US and, MEMENTO a point in time. TILLYTOGS is the one-of-a-kind sweaters with a certain four-legged someone in mind.
The content of the website speaks for itself. EXPLORE IT
eclectic body of work

Love and Hormones
Is a fully illustrated book, with useful information, lots of cartoons and an index guiding the reader to further research some of the subjects.
More about hormones and its consequences
Memento a point in Time
Because of Katrina, I was forced to be displaced from the place I called home. Luckily, I had an offer while many had none. The new life and a career in design carved the future allowing me to be able to write my books.
More about the reasons why the book was written.
About women
Violence against women is systemic in our country, with numbers impossibly to be accepted inside a supposedly "advanced society," who continuously brags about values, family tradition and the entitlement of advertising exceptionalism. .
More about violence agains women.
About violence
The number of the death toll as a result of gun violence from 2005 to 2015 was 301,000. Women and achildren abused by the hundredth of thousands. Racial cruelty, LGBT perecusion and cruelty to inmigrants. When this society will stop hypocresy of "values."?
More about violence.
Illustrated stories
The World of Us is a series of short graphic humorous stories in which a couple under the spell of love meanders its twist/turns caused by our biochemical differences. Naturally it has been inspired by own personal life with my late husband.
More stories
The concept behind the collection is to transform ideas into a verbal visual montage. They represent a subjective interpretation of what we understand to be clear paradoxes, dichotomies and the love for all life on our planet. The motto is never to follow anyone’s rules on how things must BE. We simply ARE, using lots of colors to paint what moves us at the moment.
More about poster designs.
About humor
There is an universe to be explored from the absurd, the grotesque, the shocking. Apart from what is biased, cruel and hypocritical. We explore all that society comdems but practice unashamed under the "values" syndrome.
More about humor cartoons and stories
Political cartoons
The political moment is so absurd, one cannot believe we are living in America. Political cartoons are inspired by the moment, as dichotomies and paradoxes energize me to express my thoughs and discussion about the heard mentality of society.
More about violence.
Self-anointed exceptionalism
The fact that not all the states of the United States accept women as equal human beings, shows the deep root of a patriarchal society still set hundredths of years ago. Unnacceptable in 2019 and with the belief of self-anointed exceptionalism.
Societal moral chaos

"Moral” is subjective and able to be twisted & turned into a self-serving tool, to manipulate, interfere, hurt and dominate, in different levels of degrees and, according to whom is playing with it. History has already shown its endless possibilities. A society which brags "living by it" needs to look at themselves in the mirror and check if deliveres what is preaching. Dichotomies stimulate our mind.
My ecosystem

I am moved and energized by Nature and the order in which everything interact with each other. When I find myself questioning the reasons why I am here, the dark and mysterious universe filled with its endless little lights have been my favorite place for answers. Visit the INTRO to THE UNIVERSE